Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The opposite of love is not hate ... it's apathy

I started this project opening up my Chronological Study Bible (the one I did devotions with prior to having kids) where I left off. I ended up reading Deuteronomy 31 and 32.

God is mad. These people are worshiping false idols and He is going to hide His face from them so they will feel the repercussions of their actions.

I don't need to dig deep into the Scripture, but the chapters sparked a question within me: If the opposite of love is apathy - not hate - don't those who struggle with a relationship with God due to anger still have a tie with Him?

Think about it.

I may have an incredibly dysfunctional relationship with a friend of mine and loathe the ground she walks on, but that loathing is rooted in caring about that friend. If I didn't care at all, I wouldn't loathe her, I would just be indifferent regarding her. I would move on with my life and never think of her again.

Does that say something about God's relationship with us?

To those struggling with the idea of God or flat-out hating God for one reason or another: are they simply in a relationship with God that has "hit a rough patch"? Are those people and God "on a break"?

I say this in jest because I have no idea and I don't claim to have any idea (oddly enough, one of the few areas of my life I don't claim to know everything).

I think the key with those of us here on Earth is drawing the line in the sand. I highly doubt anyone would say that all people on Earth should go to Heaven. With all of the evil and corruption in the world, I personally am glad God has a mean streak.

But where is that line drawn between those who are "good" and those who are "bad"? I really don't know. I know what is preached is that people have to commit their lives to Jesus. Okay. I get that. But how do we know what that looks like?

Point is that perhaps those who don't want to admit they care about Jesus at all (think a scorned lover not wanting to admit she still cares what her ex-boyfriend thinks) actually care a lot about what He thinks.

And, if that is the case, they may actually be in a relationship with Jesus whether they realize it or not.

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